Top 20 NuGet Packages

Package Description
Scheduler Quartz.NET for .NET Standard 2.0 - ServiceProdiver job factory
NetStandard2.1 and NetCoreApp3.0 Utilities for Crud API System - Base Services Implementation: should be referenced by project containing Services implementations
NetStandard2.1 and NetCoreApp3.0 Utilities for Crud API System - Main package, should be referenced by all projects on solution
NetCoreApp3.0 astraction - API Base Package: should be referenced by Asp.Net Core API Project
Floating Action Button for ASP.NET Core
ForEvolve Entity Framework Core helpers.
Memcached backed Proxy/Service Ticket Managers for the Apereo .NET CAS Client.
Redis backed Proxy/Service Ticket Managers for the Apereo .NET CAS Client.
A set of basic HATEOAS (Hypermedia As The Engine Of Application State) types to help with implementing consistent hypermedia-enabled APIs.
Package Description
ASP.NET Core Pagination TagHelper
Whitelist (IP filtering) functionality for Core
Whitelist (IP filtering) functionality for Core
Dependency injection in ASP.NET Core
Dynamic Multiple Column Searching and Sorting for Jquery DataTables Asp.Net Core Server Side
a simple microservice framework base on core mvc
netcoreapp3.1 EntityFramework with Unit Of Work