Top 20 NuGet Packages

The F# web framework designed for clarity and speed
ASP.NET Core Client Library for the PolicyServer Runtime API
人大金仓官方最新驱动,SqlSugar ORM .NET 国产ORM
达梦官方驱动 ,达梦,SqlSugar ORM .NET 国产ORM
This library will shape-shift your forms experience in ASP.NET Core MVC. It makes it really easy to tersely output a form and easily apply a different template with a single line of code.
WebMarkupMin.AspNet4.HttpModules contains 4 HTTP-modules: `HtmlMinificationModule` (for minification of HTML code), `XhtmlMinificationModule` (for minification of XHTML code), `XmlMinificationModule` (for minification of XML code) and `HttpCompressionModule` (for compression of text content by using...
WebMarkupMin.AspNet4.WebForms contains 5 Web Forms page classes: `MinifiedHtmlPage` (supports HTML minification only), `MinifiedXhtmlPage` (supports XHTML minification only), `CompressedPage` (supports HTTP compression only), `MinifiedAndCompressedHtmlPage` (supports HTML minification and HTTP compr...
Azure Table Storage Provider to support ASPNET Core Identity
Responsive Web Design on Any Browser, Any Platform, and Any Device
Allow printing ThermalLabel SDK content from ASP.NET MVC, WebForms, CORE, WebAPI scenarios
some tools for fast developing back-end.
A library to help you provide an ASP.NET Core implementation of the Open Service Broker API. This specification allows developers, ISVs, and SaaS vendors a single, simple, and elegant way to deliver services to applications running within cloud native platforms such as Cloud Foundry, OpenShift, and ...
Enables the LightInject service container to be used in a web application by providing per web request scoped services.
An extension to the LightInject service container that enables dependency injection for ASP.NET MVC applications. See LightInject.Mvc.Source for the source distribution.
Jquery based pageguide wrapper.
ASP.NET Identity support for IdentityServer3
Library for creating Api stubs in .NET.
WebMarkupMin.AspNetCore1 contains one ASP.NET Core 1.X Middleware - `WebMarkupMinMiddleware`.