Top 20 NuGet Packages

Hangfire schedule configuration from app.config / web.config
A very simple implementation of Identity using OWIN
A simple xml helper to convert from xml to dynamic expandoObject
Elasticsearch.Net and NEST client for logging to MiniProfiler.
Enables the LightInject service container to be used when creating WCF services.
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Extension methods and javascript/css for rendering my datagrid component in web pages
An asset bundler and minifier (CSS, JS, LESS) for ASP.Net MVC projects
Entity framework with membership provider
Allows configuration of MiniProfiler via configuration file.
This prerelease version contains an optimized serializer serializing: • Value Types • Strings • System.Collections (most types) • System.Collections.Generic(most types) • Types implementing IEnumerable. All versions have the optimized serializer core and specific optimizations for many types in pla...
By using of this package you can create your own test-tokens for OAuth.
This package provides an OWIN middleware for user powerful authorization based on daenet’s Security Manager. By using of SecManAuthorizationMiddleware you can maintain authorization rights for applications, users, groups and their roles. SecManAuthorizationMiddleware runs after user has been s...
Sina open authentication provider for
Tencent open authentication provider for
The official ASP.NET WURFL Cloud API allows you to query the WURFL database without having to host the database in your applications. This is beneficial because it guarantees that your WURFL data are always up to date. In addition, you don’t need to be concerned about distributing and synchronizin...
Huge dictionary of file extensions to mime types Compile for .NET 3.5
HTTP module, removes unwanted response headers.
A sample blog module for ASP.NET Boilerplate.