Top 20 NuGet Packages

Extension to MVC Easy CMS. It allows to manage views and create new pages through the backoffice.
Tool for auto generation of javascript proxy libraries to consume web api's
Get the shortest and declarative test code you use it!!
ASP.NET MVC 4 Useful Extensions
LESS BundleTransform, HttpHandler for integrating with ASP.NET MVC 4
Cache extensions for ServiceStack ICacheClient. Includes cache context and mvc donut caching.
Another library include extension methods focused on Persian .NET applications.
CSS image spriting for Cassette.
Typed views allow MVC/Razor views to specify a strongly-typed ViewModel property, separate to the Model property.
Library for self-hosting ASP.NET projects
JavaScript URL routing for ASP.NET MVC. Allows you to use your ASP.NET MVC routes from JavaScript. Please refer to project site ( for more details, usage examples and sample code.
StyleMVVM.MVC4 is a companion library for ASP.Net MVC 4 application, adding dependency injection and validation (.Net only)
Extensions for DynamicImage providing integration with ASP.NET MVC 4
A C# Server side component for the popuplar jQuery datatables plugin
Extensions to HtmlHelper for things like checkbox lists, adds support for most to HTML5 input types and provides a fluent strongly-type way of specifying attributes.
MvcKickstart module used to easily plug in RestSharp.
Rinky lets you define RESTful links using attributes on action methods in ASP.NET Web API WebHost.
The pack with additional helpers and wrappers for ASP.NET MVC applications, based on dependency injection, thus fully testable.
Unobtrusive EPiServer 7 page editor support for ASP.NET MVC applications, friendly URLs and extendable API for custom model processors.
Sidewired's Core Components.