Top 20 NuGet Packages

Specifically for ASP.Net using the DotNetOpenAuth framework. IoC friendly using ILinkedInService interface. LinkedInOAuthClient linkedInOAuthClient = new LinkedInOAuthClient(...); OR LinkedInOAuthClient linkedInOAuthClient = LinkedInOAuthClient.CreateCookieBasedClient(...) THEN ...
Nhibernate-based persistence layer for IdentityServer3
An ASP.NET MVC ViewEngine using the Handlebars syntax
GildedRose kata with NET CORE
Easily copy data from two unrelated classes.
blog-dot-net is a text centric, decentralized blog engine driven by your favorite DVCS (HG, GIT, ect.) and your favorite content languages (Markdown, Textile, pure HTML). Configuration is easy and can be done in your favorite configuration language (XML, JSON, YML, ect.). Short the perfect blog for ...
Andover is a .NET framework for monitoring and examining Sitecore implementations against documented best practices.
Attribute for strong model binding in MVC
Json Localization for ASP.NET Core
This is a small Helper for consuming strong typed json config files from a path.
The general purpose library for developing apps with ASP.NET
An core library for browser timezone detection. Provide simple way to detect browser timezone and display browser time.
Unit test framework for Bridge.NET projects. Write tests in C#, run them in JavaScript.
An Core UI library for Modal dialog/StatusBar notifications.
Provides extension methods for Microsoft.Azure.Documents.Client.DocumentClient that streamline CRUD operations against a Cosmos DB graph using generated Gremlin script.