Top 20 NuGet ascii Packages

Library for formatting objects as ASCII Tables
NModbus Serial Class Library
a C# implementation of the Modbus protocol. Provides connectivity to Modbus slave compatible devices and applications. Supports serial ASCII and serial RTU protocols.
Create ASCII art from text with various settings like set text and background text with printing speed.
Image Processor effects library
Library for simple ASCII output/input
Cross-platform ANSI-based multicolor terminal library
Represent tabular data in visually appealing ASCII tables using F#
Text files Unicode Charset Detector With and Without BOM.
Analyzer show warning if your classes, properties, variables etc. contains non-ASCII symbols.
Neo Systems .NET libraries
C# port of BasE91, a high efficiency binary to ASCII encoding.
A helper library for SadConsole games built with GoRogue.
Just install and run 'figlet lorem ipsum' to figlettize the given text. Supports around 150 figlet fonts.
Ascii displays any image in console, with full colors. Increase number of console columns for better resolution.