Top 20 NuGet ark Packages

NLog configuration helper and extensions for Ark standard configuration using code and not config files.
Outbox pattern implementation
Event based Activity based on time-slices with dependencies
Watcher over listable resources with support for change detection, retry limit and state.
Generic tools for RavenDbAuditing
Generic tools for RavenDb
EventSourcing SimpleInjector integration
EventSourcing Rebus integration
EventSourcing with RavenDb
Core utilities for ApplicationInsights.
Core utilities over System.Text.Json
Support for System.Text.Json for extended Nodatime types
Integration of Ark.Tools.Authorization with Ark.Tools.Solid.SimpleInjector
Extensions of AspNetCore HealthChecks
Outbox pattern implementation
Extensions of AspNetCore for supporting nested Startups, with separate Services
Generic tools for EventSourcing
Authorization library framework-independent
Outbox pattern implementation
Extensions of Ark.Tools.NLog reading params from ConfigurationManager