Top 20 NuGet arguments Packages

A command line argument parser that is able to extract pre-defined options from supplied arguments.
Component Parameterisation for C#
A command line argument parser library
A lightweight module that can handle the C# startup parameters for you.
A parsing class to greatly simplify working with command line arguments in loosely coupled and generic way for a .Net application (e.g. console, client, or even web application).
Package Description
C# command-line argument parsing deserialization from attributes.
With Argument Reader command line arguments can be passed into a .net core application. The standard project assist 4 types of arguments: Boolean Strings (*) Integers (#) Doubles (##) Own argument types can be build with own classes. They need to inherit from the Argu...
Description With Argument Reader command line argumets can be passed into a .net core application. The standard project assist 4 types of argumnets: Boolean Strings (*) Integer (#) Doubles (##) Own argument tyoes can be build with own classes. They need to inheri...
This library is intended for deserializing command-line parameters to an object.