Top 20 NuGet archive Packages

Create .zip files of your .NET Core projects straight from the command line. Once you've installed this package as a .NET CLI tool, run dotnet zip to generate a .zip file which contains the publish output of your .NET Project. See for more informatio...
Create tarballs (.tar.gz files) of your .NET Core projects straight from the command line. Once you've installed this package as a .NET CLI tool, run dotnet tar to generate a .tar.gz file which contains the publish output of your .NET Project. See fo...
zlib pinvoke library for .NET. The library provides the fast native implementation of DeflateStream, ZLibStream, GZipStream. It also supports fast calculation of CRC32 and Adler32 checksum. Supports Windows, Linux and macOS.
XZ Utils (liblzma) pinvoke library for .NET. The library provides the fast native implementation of XZStream. It also supports fast calculation of CRC32 and CRC64 checksum. Supports Windows, Linux and macOS.
PangLib.PAK is a library that enables handling of PangYa archive (PAK) files
Documental archives parts for Cadmus.
Managed API for resizing/processing and combining multiple images (and files) into a .zip folder asynchronously (or synchronously, if needed). Docs: Support: Requires license, see ## 30...
.Net types for serialization of the HTTP Archive (HAR) specification (version 1.2)
This package provides classes for accessing the CoverArt Archive (CAA), enabling the retrieval of cover art for music releases based on their MusicBrainz ID.
Blazer is high-performance, low compression archiver. Main usage to work with streams, but can be used as general archiver or for reducing application size by compressing it resources. Compression rate is comparable (slightly better) to LZ4 and Snappy and compression speed is really faster than GZip...
Is Archive (is-archive) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
Archiving over the Aeron transport
Kode-Aid shared IO compression (zip files) library.
PureActive Archive Abstractions