Top 20 NuGet architecture Packages

The package provides static code analysis functions to verify architectural requirements like component structures, layers or dependency rules. At the moment the package is limited to a specific architecture of two concentric layers inspired by the "Clean Architecture" described by Bob Martin. But y...
A building elements library for AEC.
Roslyn powered analyzers for C# to support defining immutable types
Basic Service layer for an onion architecture
Semantics used by Apex.Analyzers.Immutable
The core components to build .NET Core projects along with Genocs Library.
The Genocs Library .NET Core to be used with MongoDB as persistence datalayer..
Library for projects using hexagonal architecture.
Generic Repository and Unit of Work for MySQL of the Ural Boilerplate project.
Generic Entity Service for PostgreSQL of the Ural Boilerplate project.
Generic Entity Service for MYSQL of the Ural Boilerplate project.
Generic Entity Service for MSSQL of the Ural Boilerplate project.
Middlewares for the Ural Boilerplate project.
The function of this application is to get Stock Quote Data and Historical Stock Prices from Yahoo Finance This is technical demo to apply F-Sharp (F#) language in real world application. This application is close to real world enterprise application (with very optimal solutions, at least in 2011)...
The Lifetime Scoping package adds an advanced new lifestyle called 'Lifetime Scope', which allows instances to live within an explicitly defined thread-specific scope and get disposed when this scope ends.
The fastest and smoothest way to great architecture