Top 20 NuGet arcgis Packages
ArcGIS.PCL can be used to call ArcGIS Server resources, including those from Portal for ArcGIS and ArcGIS Online. The resources can be secure or unsecure and the ArcGIS Online token service and OAuth token service are supported.
Supports the following as typed operations:
• CheckGenerateToke...
Extensions for converting ArcGIS features into their Xamarin.Forms.Maps equivalent.
Works with Windows Phone 8 and higher, Xamarin Android and Xamarin iOS.
A ScriptCs script pack for ArcGIS.PCL.
Provides implementations for interacting with ArcGIS Server instances.
Abstracts the ArcGIS API for JavaScript via ASP.NET tag helpers.
ServiceStack.Text V3 implementation of an ISerializer to use with ArcGIS.PCL.
To use just call ServiceStackSerializer.Init().
Json.NET implementation of an ISerializer to use with ArcGIS.PCL.
To use just call JsonDotNetSerializer.Init().
Strong named Json.NET implementation of an ISerializer to use with ArcGIS.PCL.
To use just call JsonDotNetSerializer.Init().
Json.NET source code implementation of an ISerializer to use with ArcGIS.PCL.
To use just call JsonDotNetSerializer.Init().