Top 20 NuGet apps Packages

Provides shims for for functionality gaps across .NET, Windows Phone, Windows Store Apps and Silverlight.
The Office JavaScript API includes objects, methods, properties, events, and enumerations that can be used from Office Add-ins to interact with Microsoft Office documents or mail items content.
ShareCoffee - The SharePoint App Helpers
Package gives you few handy helper methods and couple controls such as signature control and nav bar(coming soon...)
Jasmine spec runner for SharePoint Apps
This package is a library of uploading and downloading a file to OneDrive easily.
This package is a library of uploading and downloading a file to OneDrive easily.
Provides an easy way to create tile, badge and toast notifications in Universal apps.
Portable Bluetooth API Library for implementing OBEX profile
Portable Library for Universal Apps for accessing MusicBrainz Web Service.
Truly Portable Library for Universal Apps for accessing MusicBrainz Web Service. WP8.1, Win8.1, Android, iOS
This package is part of the Azure Mobile .NET Server SDK. Use it to register push notifications with Azure Notification Hubs. To learn more about Azure Mobile, go to
Toolkit packaging system
Toolkit utils
Toolkit utils
Provides a standard interface for interacting with a push trigger callbacks storage mechanism, allowing push triggers to be implemented as pure boilerplate code plus an implementation of ICallbackStore.
User Management System
This package contains classes for issuing App Service Authentication tokens. For more information, check out