Top 20 NuGet applicationinsights Packages
Common.Logging library bindings for Application Insights logging framework.
Provides Microsoft Application Insights reporting capability to App Metrics
An implementation of Microsoft Application Insights as a 100% AngularJS module. This module does not utilize the offical Application Insights Javascript SDK, in order to avoid depending on global code outside of the AngularJS platform scope.
Q42.Logging.ApplicationInsights Class Library
Autogenerated Application Insights telemetry based on metadata descriptions
Application Insights EventSourceListener allows sending data from EventSource events to Application Insights. Application Insights will collect your logs from multiple sources and provide rich powerful search capabilities. Privacy statement:
Application insight extensions for RedisTribute
This package integrates Application Insights with Glimpse for .NET web applications. Glimpse is a web debugging and diagnostics tool used to gain a better understanding of whats happening inside of your ASP.NET 3.5+ application. Applications Insights is a service that allows developers to monitor pe...
Generators for AutoLogger templates
Application Insights API enables you to get insights into user behavior and monitor usage patterns for your JavaScript applications. Application Insights service collects the data, analyzes it and presents the results in the forms of graphs and reports in Application Insights portal in Microsoft Azu...
Appeaser Application Insights Diagnostics for AspNetCore
Appeaser Application Insights Diagnostics
This library adds Application Insights support for Tx framework.
If you set up a continious integration feature in the Applocation Insights portal you will have a storage with exported data.
Using Application Insights Tx adaptor you can run any LINQ queries against files from that storage.
This library adds Application Insights support for Tx framework.
If you set up a continious integration feature in the Applocation Insights portal you will have a storage with exported data.
Using Application Insights Tx adaptor you can run any LINQ queries against this storage.
Currently 5 Appli...
With that library you can create a live session and run LINQ queries to filter data.
This package integrates Application Insights with Glimpse. Glimpse is a web debugging and diagnostics tool used to gain a better understanding of whats happening inside of your ASP.NET 3.5+ application. Applications Insights is a service that allows developers to monitor performance, availability, a...
An Application Insights tracer extension for the WebJob SDK
A set of utilities which enhance the collection of telemetry which is sent to Application Insights.
Common.Logging library bindings for Application Insights logging framework.
Applicationinsights JS (applicationinsights-js) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.