Top 20 NuGet app Packages

Multi-binding for XAML
Simplifies writing to and reading from the appSettings and connectionStrings sections of the config file
Simple and light-weight logging framework for Windows Universal Application. It's compatible for Win app and WP8.1 app
Add XML file to manage menus into English and French
This is only demo purpose
This is only demo purpose
This package is part of the Azure Mobile .NET Server SDK. Use it to register push notifications with Azure Notification Hubs. To learn more about Azure Mobile, go to
Simple and lightweight control for Windows Universal Application which allow to slide between one or two panels. It's compatible for Win app and WP8.1 app
Provides a standard interface for interacting with a push trigger callbacks storage mechanism, allowing push triggers to be implemented as pure boilerplate code plus an implementation of ICallbackStore.
A set of useful and powerful collection classes.
This package contains classes for issuing App Service Authentication tokens. For more information, check out
An app config based configuration for Imgix-Dotnet a fluent link builder.
AppMetrica — это бесплатный инструмент для трекинга и аналитики вашего приложения. Отчёты по источникам трафика, ключевым показателям мобильного приложения, аудитории, сценариям использования, а также статистика по крэшам — всё это в одном SDK для всех популярных платформ.
Observable Vector makes it easy to use the IObservableVector<T> interface in your Windows app. Find us on GitHub at
Observable Vector makes it easy to use the IObservableVector<T> interface in your Windows app. This is the non-generic version which can be used in non-.NET projects targeting the Windows Store, such as C++/CX or JavaScript. Find us on GitHub at
A safe image control for Windows 10.
Adding Angular Goodness to your SharePoint Addin by Adding module element contains angular app scaffolding. Adding New app part which represents the main page for your angular SPA
//usage snippet var myobj=new AppRating( ); myobj.Threshold=2; myobj.CheckUser( );
Awesome application logging utility