Top 20 NuGet app.config Packages

Simple MSBuild Task that helps with maintaining app.config and web.config across multiple projects, and build configurations. Create one app.config/web.config template and share it across multiple projects with different configurations for each build target. Supports * Recursive configuration tra...
T4Configuration is a template that generates a static class in C# of your App Settings and Connection Strings located in your app.config or your web.config.
Transform web.config and app.config (or any *.config!) files from the command line.
SwissKnife.T4.AppSettings is generates strongly typed AppSettings class.
The simplest .NET configuration that could possibly work. Use Json in your .NET config files. Use simple POCO classes for all your config. Works with Azure ServiceConfiguration.cscfg too!
ScriptCs pack to access app.configx in working folder.
This T4 template was based on the orginal work of J Wynia from his blog post at
.Net Dev Utils
The DbMap, Mail, WebProxy, and Credential app.config utilities.
A tiny helper framework for providing environment-specific app/web.config configurations, and other configuration utilities.
Simplifies writing to and reading from the appSettings and connectionStrings sections of the config file
Copies all "App.*.config" transform files as a series of corresponding of "{AssemblyName}.*.config" files to the build output directory regardless of the chosen build configuration.
App.Config and log4net.config Transform. In advance, App.Debug.config, App.Main.config, App.Hotfix.config, App.Release.config, log4net.Debug.config, log4net.Main.config, log4net.Hotfix.config, log4net.Release.config is available. log4net.config file will be included in the clickonce publish.
DotGoodies.Testing.ApplicationConfiguration provides a programmatic way to change the values stored in application configuration section of a app.config file. An integration or unit test can use it during setting the SUT up.
Toolset for accessing Key/Value based configuration settings in an application.
Package Description
Provides a dynamic API for accessing AppSettings in app.config and web.config files
Xdt.Config.Transform will add config transforms for exe and dll project types that tranform each and every transform file when built. These files can then be used to replace the default app.config with the environment specific version app.config during the release cycle.