Top 20 NuGet apm Packages

Bundled profiler for Instana APM
FastTracker.Diagnostics.SqlClient notifies outgoing SqlClient requests.
FastTracker.Diagnostics.HttpClient notifies outgoing Http requests.
FastTracker Custom Event.
FastTracker.Diagnostics.Custom EventSource
FastTracker.Diagnostics.EntityFrameworkCore notifies of EF requests.
Add APM metrics for Web Api controllers.
Add Log4Net APM metrics for Web Api controllers. Create a Log4Net GELF target. Then configure Logstash GELF endpoint with an output filter to Elastic Search. Browse data with Kibana.
Add Logary APM metrics for Web Api controllers. Create a Logary GELF target. Then configure Logstash GELF endpoint with an output filter to Elastic Search. Browse data with Kibana. Create a Logary Zipkin target. Then configure ZipKin. Browse distributed traces with ZipKin.
Add performance counter APM metrics for Web Api controllers.
Puresharp Diagnostic .NET
服务性能跟踪APM,基于Elastic.Apm.NetCoreAll封装通过反射动态修改apm server地址
Elastic APM for ASP.NET Full Framework. This package contains auto instrumentation for ASP.NET Full Framework. See:
FastTracker Core abstractions and interfaces for apm agent.
Application monitoring for .NET by Datadog.
Site24x7 APMInsight's .NET Agent API supports custom method, exceptions and components tracking. You can find more information in
Add .NET Retrace APM to your Azure Web App to find and fix application problems