Top 20 NuGet api Packages

Red Arrow Engage Identity Api Client
Package for access Octadesk API
A series of utilities to ease networking as client, with the usage of asynccronous requests responses and coroutines. The documentation can be found on
Mixer API Client for .NET
Easy access to the JustWare API
GatherContentConnect is a .net library for interacting with the GatherContent API.
API for CRUD operations on domain model objects.
Rate limiting action filter for Web Api
provides a distributed Redis implementation of the IRateLimitingCacheProvider from the Domain.RateLimiting.Core package meaning that it can be used from multiple servers which is more suiting to real production environments. This is the package that keeps track of the call count per time window and ...
Contains the core abstractions and classes for rate limiting.
Contains the rate limiting action filter which works with Domain.RateLimiting.Core
YALLA.NET is Yet Another Logging Library Abstraction for .NET. Supported Platforms: * .NET Framework 4 * Silverlight 5 * Windows 8 * Windows Phone 8.1 * Windows Phone Silverlight 8 * Xamarin.Android * Xamarin.iOS * Xamarin.OSX * Portable ...
.NET API for warcraftlogs site can uses not only their public api, but json data that site uses by itself to represent data. Model is very clumsy for now, to be modified later
.NET wrapper to access the Tradera Web API.