Top 20 NuGet api Packages

EntityControllerBase and ApiControllerBase to create Api Controllers with complete OData query parameters support $expand, $select, $filter, $orderby, $count, $top and $skip
Frontier Elite:Dangerous multi-platform API Library
The package can be used to record LoadTestTools results to Application Insights. To use, simply supply your instrumentation key: <appSettings><add key="Recorder.AppInsights.InstrumentationKey" value="your-instrumentation-key" /></appSettings>
Adds SQL support to BuddyAPI.
A framework for dotnet core aimed for rapid CRUD/SPA backend development. Supporting NoSQL and SQL databases with JWT auth and custom "/model" route for validation built in
Based Librame.AspNetCore.Api.GraphQL on Identity API package.
Based Librame.AspNetCore.Api.Abstractions on GraphQL extension implementation.
Library for resolving GraphQL queries. Integrates well with Entity Framework Core by helping you create IQueryable objects from the passed GraphQL document and variables. Contains MSBuild and dotnet CLI targets for generating GraphLinqQL C# from GraphQL schemas. Part of the GraphLinqQL suite of li...
Library for supporting GraphQL Introspection for GraphLinqQL generated classes. Part of the GraphLinqQL suite of libraries, which are designed to add C# support for GraphQL via creating LINQ queries.
Includes a GraphQL AST, Parser, and Lexer based on Antlr4 for .Net Standard and Framework. Part of the GraphLinqQL suite of libraries, which are designed to add C# support for GraphQL via creating LINQ queries.
Library for integrating GraphLinqQL with ASP.Net Core to easily create GraphQL endpoints with C#. Part of the GraphLinqQL suite of libraries, which are designed to add C# support for GraphQL via creating LINQ queries.
Yahoo Finance API to retrieve quote snapshots, and quote, dividend and split history.
ASP.NET Core API based on DDD
This package includes Windows.Services.Maps like APIs cross-platform such as: - MapLocationFinder for providing methods to convert addresses to geographic locations (geocoding) and to convert geographic locations to addresses (reverse geocoding). - MapAddress for representing a physical ...
This package includes Windows.ApplicationModel.DataTransfer like APIs cross-platform such as: - Clipboard for providing information from the clipboard. - DataPackage for providing the data that a user wants to exchange with another app. - DataPackageView for providing a read-only v...
Class data models that are shared between MCWrapper.RPC and MCWrapper.CLI
Backblaze.Client is a high-performance .NET Core implementation of the Backblaze B2 Cloud Storage.
Access the ZenHub API from .NET
FSec is a tool for automatically running security tests for .NET programs. The tool provides some basic security testing functionality to discover vulnerabilities.
仅为测试上传,后续会修改. A simple Test Client built on top of ASP.NET Web API Help Page.