Top 20 NuGet android Packages

LibVLCSharp is a cross-platform audio and video API for .NET platforms based on VideoLAN's LibVLC Library. It provides a comprehensive multimedia API that can be used across mobile, server and desktop to render video and output audio. Mono, .NET Framework and .NET Core runtimes are supported. ...
Android library to create simple alerts easily with some customization.
A simple custom control for painting images in Xamarin Forms.
Playback live broadcast using the Wowza Media Services across Xamarin.iOS, Xamarin.Android.
A library creates spinners for Android that really work
ViewPager with Indicator for Android
Custom CalendarView for Android
It is a library that allows to have a horizontal menu with scroll, based on the RecyclerView class
A Loader made with gif image for Xamarin.Forms
Custom Android spinner that inspired by Instagram language chooser
Yet another material bottom bar library for Android
This is an image slider for Xamarin.Android
Receive and handle azure push notifications across Xamarin.iOS and Xamarin.Android
An easy to use Android Library to get slides in apps using images or image URLs
Splash screen library for Android
A simple FastScroller for Android's RecyclerView
A new AlertDialog for Android
A simple library that allows you to select images from the device library or directly from the camera
A FilePicker library for Android for selecting multiple types of files and also to capture Images and Videos.