Top 20 NuGet android Packages

Xamarin wrapper around mobile-ffmpeg for Android. External libraries: fontconfig freetype fribidi kvazaar libaom libass libiconv libtheora libvpx libwebp snappy. Based on
Xamarin wrapper around mobile-ffmpeg for Android. External libraries: vid.stab x264 x265 xvidcore. Based on
Xamarin wrapper around mobile-ffmpeg for Android. External libraries: -. Based on
Xamarin wrapper around mobile-ffmpeg for Android. External libraries: gmp gnutls vid.stab x264 x265 xvidcore. Based on
Xamarin wrapper around mobile-ffmpeg for Android. External libraries: gmp gnutls. Based on
Xamarin wrapper around mobile-ffmpeg for Android. External libraries: fontconfig freetype fribidi gmp gnutls kvazaar lame libaom libass libiconv libilbc libtheora libvorbis libvpx libwebp libxml2 opencore-amr opus shine snappy soxr speex twolame vid.stab vo-amrwbenc wavpack x264 x265 xvidcore. Based...
Xamarin wrapper around mobile-ffmpeg for Android. External libraries: fontconfig freetype fribidi gmp gnutls kvazaar lame libaom libass libiconv libilbc libtheora libvorbis libvpx libwebp libxml2 opencore-amr opus shine snappy soxr speex twolame vo-amrwbenc wavpack. Based on
Xamarin wrapper around mobile-ffmpeg for Android. External libraries: lame libilbc libvorbis opencore-amr opus shine soxr speex twolame vo-amrwbenc wavpack. Based on
Shims.Drawing is a portability package providing a minimal subset of System.Drawing, that enables using the imaging processing functionality of AForge.NET and Accord.NET Frameworks in mobile applications. This package contains evaluation DLL:s for Xamarin.iOS (Unified and Classic API:s), Xamarin...
Set of several tools and dependency services for xamarin
Xamarin.Android bindings for bendikv's SimpleRangeView (simple-range-view), a custom view component for Android, that provides for the selection of a range
Xamarin.Android bindings for anirudhmpai's EasyLocationFetch.
Xamarin.Android binding for HamedTaherpour's floating-layout-android, a floating layout library for Android
A high-performance Zebble plugin for providing a list like view for large datasets.
Xamarin.Android bindings for AndroidLab's TextArc, easily create a simple arc text.
Xamarin.Android bindings for Aghajari's AXGraphView, creates zoomable and scrollable graphs based on function or custom draw.
Simple validation for Xamarin.Forms projects with MVVM structure Can be used by any project with c# lang
Starting from a .NET 6 project, adds the ability to target legacy Xamarin target frameworks such as monoandroid11.0 or xamarin.ios10. *Not fully supported*
The local notification plugin provides a simple, cross-platform way to show local notifications from within Xamarin and UWP apps.
Open external maps to navigate to a specific geolocation or address. Option to launch with navigation option on iOS as well.