Top 20 NuGet android Packages

The Material Design Icons font for SkiaSharp.Extended.Iconify.
The Material Icons font for SkiaSharp.Extended.Iconify.
The Meteocons font for SkiaSharp.Extended.Iconify.
The Simple Line Icons font for SkiaSharp.Extended.Iconify.
The Typicons font for SkiaSharp.Extended.Iconify.
The Weather Icons font for SkiaSharp.Extended.Iconify.
Simple ImagePicker (camera and gallery) with cropper for Xamarin.Forms (Android and iOS).
Declare your data bindings and generate compiled code instead of heavily relying on reflection.
Provides a way to take users to the settings page for your application for iOS, and Android.
Resize UWP, Xamarin.Android and Xamarin.iOS assets automatically.
Xamarin Binding Library - Android RippleEffect
Xamarin Binding Library - Android Floating Action Button
Python 2.7 build for android.
Python 2.7 build for android.
Xamarin.Android Binding Library - AAkira Expandablelayout
Xamarin.Android lib to show horizontal progress like Instagram Stories
Log plugin for all .Net platform
Provides an easy way to navigate between pages in xamarin.Forms It supports: 1) Xamarin.Forms.Android 2) Xamarin.Forms..iOS 3) Windows.Forms.UWP 4) Windows.Forms.Store 5) Windows.Forms.Phone
An android slide menu that supports left and right swipes and slides with parallax.