Top 20 NuGet android Packages

Portable .NET API for Fog Creek's FogBugz bug tracking system
The assembly contains platform specific credentials providers for Sitecore Mobile SDK framework.
[DEPRECTATED] Use Xamarin.Google.Android.Vending.Expansion.Downloader instead. C# implementation of Google's Android APK Expansion Downloader.
Rounded BoxView for your Xamarin.Forms project to allow you to create circles. Ensure you call RoundedBoxViewRenderer.Init() on each platform! VISIT THE PROJECT URL for more info.
Simple platform independent location manager for iOS and Android (Xamarin)
A cross platform mobile framework for automating acceptance tests
Provides Android-specific renderers and types.
Pushover client.
This is a Google Cloud Messaging helper for C#. Currently only messaging is supported, I am currently working on adding functionality to manage device groups and use of Google's Instance-Id system. If you have any questions or issues please either message me on nuget or open an issue on the repo.
A RFC6455-compliant web socket implementation.
The Engine.IO Client Library for Android
Serilog event sink that writes to Xamarin Android.
These custom controls make it faster and easier to create great apps using Xamarin.Forms. The controls currently included are: SimpleList: For small lists, the UI of the built-in ListView leaves a lot to be desired. You can use a StackLayout, but then you lose the ability to have an It...
The Microsoft Band SDK gives developers access to the sensors available on the band, as well as the ability to create and send notifications to tiles. Enhance and extend the experience of your applications to your customers' wrists.
C# bindings for MaterialLoadingProgressBar library. MaterialLoadingProgressBar provide a styled ProgressBar which looks like SwipeRefreshLayout's loading indicator(support-v4 v21+).
Customizable Xamarin.Forms title bar for Android & iOS: place up to 5 buttons inside it and position/paint the bar as you want.
A starter package paired with Joyride.Specflow to quickly get you up and running
Long description for your plugin.
A simple plugin for Xamarin.Forms, this allows to perform simple operations such as subscribing or unsubscribing to channels. It uses the Parse component for all three platfoms so this is just an extra layer of abstraction.