Top 20 NuGet algorithms Packages
Implements image-processing and computer-vision algorithms.
Provides extensions for image-processing algorithms implemented in Accord.NET framework and for some image-processing algorithms implemented in AForge.NET framework.
A library with data structures, various algorithms and numerous extension methods.
An internal deployment package that allows for Algorithmia algorithm .net support
DlxLib is a C# class library that solves exact cover problems by implementing Donald E. Knuth's Algorithm X using the Dancing Links technique.
QuickGraph provides generic directed/undirected graph datastructures and algorithms for .NET Standard 2.0
QuickGraph comes with algorithms such as depth first seach, breath first search, A* search, shortest path,
k-shortest path, maximum flow, minimum spanning tree, least common ancestors, etc...
An extension library for Abacaxi. This library only contains practice-related code (not useful).
An internal deployment package that allows for Algorithmia algorithm .net support
ImVader is a framework for working with graphs. It provides implementation of common graph algorithms: BFS, DFS, Dijkstra and Floyd-Worshell algorithms, topological sort, computing strong components, finding minimum cuts and others.
QuickGraph provides generic directed/undirected graph datastructures and algorithms for .NET. QuickGraph comes with algorithms such as depth first seach, breath first search, A* search, shortest path, k-shortest path, maximum flow, etc...
Data structures and algorithms
.NET Client for Algorithmia Algorithms and Data API
C# library for simulation the development of human settlement
TauCode algorithms
Ccr.Algorithms package for Sequential sets, pairs, triples, and quads; String algorithms, and spline interpolation algorithms.
Aardvark Native Build Helper
Package provides C# implementation of algorithms in the "Algorithms" book ( and Robert Sedgwick's Algorithms course using Python (Part I and Part II), covering data structure, sorting, search, graph processing, string processing.
.NET Implementations of Trie Data Structures for Substring Search, Auto-completion and Intelli-sense. Includes: patricia trie, suffix trie and a trie implementation using Ukkonen's algorithm.
Estimation of Distribution Algorithms
Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms
Pattern Discovery Algorithms such as Apriori and FP-Growth