Top 20 NuGet akka Packages

Configurators to randomly generate Akka.NET classes
a cqrs and event sourcing framework for
HOCON (Human-Optimized Config Object Notation) Experimental Immutable Support
slf4net logging adapter for Akka.
A library for Akka.NET that implements a lightweight, distributed event stream (aka Event Bus)
A library for Akka.NET that implements routing for a lightweight, distributed event stream (aka Event Bus)
ToolKit that makes it easier to use TDD in building and testing actor systems with Akka.NET
Extensions for Akka.NET (PublishMessageActor etc.)
Akka Persistence journal and snapshot store runned by Marten and stored in a Postgresql 9.5+ database. Persistence Plug-in for Elasticsearch. Includes Event Journal, Snapshot Store, and Query Read Journal.
Framework for creating Persistence Plug-Ins based on Stream data-stores. Persistence Plug-in for EventStore. Includes Event Journal, Snapshot Store, and Query Read Journal.
HOCON (Human-Optimized Config Object Notation) parser and application-ready implementation.
Use Akka.NET actors in CQRS.NET
LogFilter for Akka.Interfaced Actor