Top 20 NuGet Packages

The EfOldWebDbConnector is a .NET library used to create and maintain only an unique connection to the database per request in the Asp.Net web applications using EF Old ObjectContext ORM.
The Linq2SqlWebDbConnector is a .NET library used to create and maintain only an unique connection to the SQL Server database per request in the Asp.Net web applications using Linq To Sql ORM.
The SqlAdoWebDbConnector is a .NET library used to create and maintain only an unique connection to the SQL Server database per request in the Asp.Net web applications using Ado.Net.
NI.Data.Storage provides ADO.NET-like access to data represented with entity-attribute-value model. Entities may be queried, created, updated and deleted like usual database tables.
Library that assists in using ADO.NET and Entity Framework in the same work unit.
A library that simplifies ADO.NET database queries to SQL.
Trinity is a flexible data access tool. This is the Microsoft sql server version
Trinity is a flexible data access tool. This is the MySQL server version.
Trinity is a flexible data access tool. This is the Oledb(access) version.
Entity framework 6.x provider for Microsoft Access (Jet) files
一个轻量级的O/RM 类库,支持Sql Server,Oledb、ODBC、SQLite等多种数据库驱动。 能够快速实现实体对象的数据库通用操作,并且实现数据库无缝切换。
DbWebApi .Net Client Library.
Sqlite support for the Data Mapper in Griffin Framework
For people who like to work with Raw SqlConnection, command, readers this might be the best choice. Supports caching as well, can be customized and open source. enjoy
Provides fakes and classes that can be more easily overridden, mocked, or stubbed in tests.
SimpleNet.Core.Data and SimpleNet.Core.Data.SqlServer are ADO.NET abstraction on .NET core platform. We use EntLib's Data Accesor like capabilities to return an array of objects instead of DataTable or DataRow
Utilities for simplifying procedure calls
SqLite connection provider for SimpleNet.Core.Data
Postgre provider for Light.Data