Top 20 NuGet adjunct Packages
Retired: Will autoupdate to use the XunitShould.Sources package instead.
Retired: Will autoupdate to use the XunitShould.Sources package instead.
Retired: Will autoupdate to use the XunitShould.Sources package instead.
Retired: Will autoupdate to use the XunitShould.Sources package instead.
Retired: Will autoupdate to use the XunitShould.Sources package instead.
Tasks and Targets for building Adjunct frameworks and NuGets. Enabled convention based package creation within Visual Studio.
Generator for scaffolding Adjunct framework extensions and NuGets.
MVC Annotation attributes for use with ReSharper, so you dont have to reference the ReSharper DLLs directly.
Service to provide DirectoryCatalogs for MEF.
XElement ExportProvider for MEF. Supports exporting xml and config files as XElement
Binary Search Tree
A Sparse Character Set
Generic comparer wrapper for Func{T, T, int}.
Extension methods for System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<T> and System.Collections.IEnumerable.
A simple disposable object with disposal notification
Fluent API for calling cast operators
System.IComparable extensions.
System.IO.DirectoryInfo extensions.
Enumeration reflection utilities
Object reflection utilities