Top 20 NuGet address Packages

A more convenient wrapper of the United States Postal Service APIs.
Multiple implementations on email address validation.
Biblioteca portável desenvolvida utilizando-se o web-service oficial dos Correios. Conta com interfaces síncronas e assíncronas (async/await). Exemplo: service.consultaCEP("24710480") O código é gerado automaticamente pelo Visual Studio a partir ...
Includes a model and interface for communicating with four popular Geocoding providers. Current implementations include: Google Maps, Yahoo! PlaceFinder, Bing Maps (aka Virtual Earth), and Mapquest. The API returns latitude/longitude coordinates and normalized address information. This can be used t...
Use Bing Maps API to verify, standardize and geocode addresses stored in your CRM records of all types.
A ultra-simple .NET library for accessing Google's Geocoding service
VerioCheck Contact Validation and Identity Verification API
An API client to use maps resource powered by MundiPagg
Get address information via zip code. Support for United States Of American, Brazil
Contains geocoding implementation for google
Address Search and Validation API for New Zealand postal codes, urban and rural delivery addresses.
JPAddressは、日本の業務アプリケーションに求められる住所を自動入力するための.NET Frameworkコンポーネントです。郵便番号からの住所検索をはじめとした住所入力に必要な機能が網羅されています。
Standardize U.S. street address to USPS guidelines.
Service Objects Address Detective web service utilizing fail over configuration and best practices. This service will be search various name, phone and address data sources to match an address that fits in with the given name, phone and address inputs. NOTE: In order to use this web service, a Licen...
Service Objects DOTS Address Validation 3 US libraries utilizing best practices and failover configuration.
Our Canadian address validation API service provides industry-leading address matching algorithms to verify, correct and append Canadian addresses. With an average 90ms response time, Address Validation - Canada meets the needs of the most demanding applications without performance degradation. Whi...
Service Objects Address Validation International Libraries utilizing best practices with fail over configuration. This service will take an international address as an input and returned a standardized address that is formatted per local standard. Depending on availability, this service can also det...