Top 20 NuGet activity Packages
This package provides a C# based durable task framework for writing long running applications.
The new loading approach for cool apps in Xamarin Forms
This package provides a C# based durable Task framework for writing long running applications.
It is built from an OSS version of
GarminConnectClient is a library for communication with GarminConnect. It allows to list, download and upload Garmin activities. It is inspired by
Redis provider extension for the Durable Task Framework.
Provides a collection of activities designed for a variety of purposes. It contains +30 activities organized in different categories, such as Apps & Diagnostics, Data, Files, Programming, Security and Workflows.
LeadPipe.Net.Authorization provides a power and easy-to-use authorization framework for your application. It supports activity and role-based authorization and works with any authentication provider.
LeadPipe.Net is an open source collection of useful tools for .NET development. Read mo...
Manage the Reassign cascade rules for activities
Allows activity to be batched together in the background
An Android's expandable Layout to save space and reduce jump between Activity and Fragment
This package provides a C# based durable task framework for writing long running applications.
A lightweight library for designing and executing workflows through .NET
Propter Hoc is a causality toolkit for .NET Core / ASP.NET MVC Core
Azure Storage provider extension for the Durable Task Framework.
A fluent tooltip for Android
Support for using InRule with Windows Workflow Foundation.
Dbrain documents classification & recognition engine
Orchestration message and runtime state is stored in Azure Service Fabric reliable collections.
Handl documents classification & recognition engine