Top 20 NuGet xaml Packages

A common trigger actions for Begin and Stop of specific storyboard, which may be used with EventTrigger or any another trigger type in Xamarin Forms
Xamarin Forms package which allows use some common WPF/UWP features like XAML-defined animations, storyboards, etc...
A lot of common WPF/UWP animations, ported to allow their usage in Xamarin Forms
Version for .NET 4.0
Fody plugin that converts automatic C# property into WPF DependencyProperty during build. Unofficial fork with some fixes.
A collection of IValueConverter for UWP apps.
Controls for UWP apps.
Epsiloner.Wpf.Navigation is a framework similar to Prism for building loosely coupled, maintainable, testable XAML application in WPF with objects as parameters. Provides a design pattern that are helpful in writing well-structured and maintainable applications. It allows to have each pa...
A set of wpf toolkit.
Live XAML previewer for Xamarin Forms
Some common custom markup extensions for WPF.
Wrapper for the Syncfusion EssentialJS1 Spreadsheet control for CSHTML5. Powered by Bridge.NET
Wrapper for the Syncfusion EssentialJS1 RichTextEditor control for CSHTML5. Powered by Bridge.NET
Common classes for the wrappers for the Syncfusion EssentialJS1 controls for CSHTML5. Powered by Bridge.NET
Wrapper for the KendoUI Grid control for CSHTML5. Powered by Bridge.NET
Wrapper for the KendoUI Editor control for CSHTML5. Powered by Bridge.NET
Common classes for the wrappers for the KendoUI controls for CSHTML5. Powered by Bridge.NET
Wrapper for the Syncfusion EssentialJS1 Spreadsheet control for CSHTML5 Migration. Powered by Bridge.NET
Wrapper for the Syncfusion EssentialJS1 RichTextEditor control for CSHTML5 Migration. Powered by Bridge.NET
Common classes for the wrappers for the Syncfusion EssentialJS1 controls for CSHTML5 Migration. Powered by Bridge.NET