Top 20 NuGet xamarin Packages

INavigationService and IDialogService implemention for Xamarin.Forms
Free Open source Xamarin Forms Controls Library targeting Profile 111, iOS, Android and UWP. Card View, Expansion Panel
Invention for Android.
Non-standard Extensions (utilities) to Xamarin-Auth (refresh-token)
Provides useful functions for Watch Face application development of Android Wear with Xamarin.
Guillotine menu animation
Controls for Xamarin Forms
P2PNET is a low level portable peer to peer library written in C# with an emphasises on being simple to use
Xamarin.Mac CoreGraphics drawing backend for LiteHtmlSharp
Simple cross-platform plug-in that allows you to pick files from the filesystem (iCloud drive in case of iOS) and work with them.
this package will help you to improve your project, providing message interface and navigation interface. Remember, Initialize the interfaces in APP.cs
Xamarin Bindings library for Alerter -
EGFloatingTextField Xamarin
Most of Codon's functionality is located in this shared code base, which is a .NET Standard library. Features that require platform specific implementation are implemented in respective platform specific packages. In the case of this package, the platform specific packages are: Codon.Android, Codon....
This package consists of a .NET Standard library that provides undo/redo support. Codon is a zero-dependency cross-platform MVVM framework for creating UWP, WPF, and Xamarin applications. It provides much of what you need to rapidly create sophisticated yet maintainable applications.