Top 20 NuGet Packages

An Android Widget For Selecting Multiple Items From A List.
Library to add TextView, EditText and Button with custom fonts to your views. For Android (API 16 or higher).
iTunes 11-style color matching code for Android. ColorArt is a library that uses an image to create a themed image/text display. It's a port of the idea found on the Panic Blog to work on Android.
Shows a label above an ImageView or any other Android views easily
Xamarin.Android library to create bubble chat view easily.
RatingReviews (Rating and Reviews) is a widget or layout that adds Rating and Reviews bar to your app similar to the ones seen on Google playstore and Apple App store. It gives you a beautiful visual summary of the number of raters and ratings they gave on a specific item. And of course it is highly...
🎵 A lightweight and easy-to-use Audio Visualizer for Android
This is simple library for creating textview expandable. Like Continue or Less. This library extended versiion TextView. Easy to use.
HolisticWare.Suunto.Movesense SDK Xamarin bindings (Xamarin.Android and Xamarin.iOS)
This package contains a memory cache manager for your application.
Xamarin bindings for Google VR. Enables Daydream and Cardboard app development on Android.
Explosive dust effect for Android Views
Periscope like HeartLayout for Android
Xamarin.Android Multi-Thread Downloader. For more help please read
A SQLite support for Karamunting.Android.LingoChamp.OkDownload
Handle the case of the internal of the percent between the current and the last is too large to smooth for the target progress widget or event others
Xamarin bindings to the native Android RTM SDK.
A material style progress wheel that you can integrate into your Xamarin.Android app
Set of Xamarin bindings of Facebook Shimmer for Xamarin.Android and Xamarin.iOS
A View for cropping images that is similar to Instagram's crop which allows a range of spect ratios. Also an Activity for cropping is included.