Top 20 NuGet xamarin-android Packages

Xamarin.Android Binding for VRG Soft's Timeline View
This library is the implementation of TabLayout as seen on popular messaging app Snapchat It can be used to animate Three or Five tabs.
A fully material-designed about fragment for Xamarin.Android application
Video cropping library with trimming and opportunity to choose different aspect ratio types
Implementation of GifDecoder that is more memory efficient to animate for Android devices.
A cache that uses a bounded amount of space on a filesystem. Based on Jake Wharton's tailored for Glide.
A set of annotations for configuring Glide.
ImageView zoom library for Android. It's simple show image library.
Easily show image list (url or drawable) in dialog.
A highly flexible set of lovely looking views that provides functionality of Preferences for Xamarin.Android.
An android library that brings the floating action button expandable
TTFancyGifDialog makes your Android Dialog Fancy and more Beautiful. A library that makes normal Android Dialog to high level Dialog with many styling options and fully customizable. Make dialog from few lines of code.
Android Material theme for preference widgets. Backporting the material look and functionality. Available from API 14. Connecting preference-v7 to appcompat-v7.
A fully and highly customizable material designed Toast for Android.
An infinite scrolling timeline to pick a date for Android
🎉 WhatsNew automatically displays a short description of the new features when users update your Android app
Describe your animation and run!
Android Toolbar badge button. A customizable square button to use as toolbar button with badge number.
An Android transformation library providing a variety of image transformations for Glide.
Android library to create simple alerts easily with some customization.