Top 20 NuGet xml Packages

Easy interface for changing behavior of XmlSerializer without changing the classes being serialized
This is a contoler class, by calling action -CrawlSite it will generate sitemap xml of the current site and will show the xml content in browser. For dynamic sitemap this is very useful.
Author Xml Faster with QuickXML
An easy way to parse XML or JSON to Objects.
Conver from HTML to XML.
XML Query Library by one liner.
Simple XML serialization library
Configuration from file for Trigger.NET
Qi4CS Extension: Configuration (XML) is an extension of Qi4CS.Core that further augments Qi4CS.Extensions.Configuration by adding customizable XML (de)serialization support for configuration composites.
A small library to serialize and deserialize objects and values from XML
A library simplifying saving configuration data for C# / .NET programs to .xml files by providing base classes for saving/loading .xml files.
XmlHelper makes it easier for developers to create and read data in XML documents by condensing common tasks into a simple static helper class.
This package helps you to generate custom sitemap.
Generator of rss feed xml file
Extension methods for .Net classes
Configuration Providers Library
Integround.Json is a free XML ↔ JSON converter library for .Net projects.
This script package converts a sql server data table into json or xml format
A simple xml helper to convert from xml to dynamic expandoObject