Top 20 NuGet xaml Packages

NoesisGUI NSOpenGL Render Context
NoesisGUI Apple Metal Render Context
NoesisGUI GLX Render Context
NoesisGUI Khronos EGL Render Context
NoesisGUI X Window System Display
NoesisGUI WinRT Display
NoesisGUI Android Display
NoesisGUI Application Framework
Build amazing cross-platform web apps using pure standard .NET, .C#, and XAML. Powered by Bridge.NET
Feature Toggles xaml library.
Styles to help integrate ModernWPF with MahApps.Metro.
Use these extensions to build apps for Uno Platform, UWP, & WinUI using Prism with the Unity Container. Prism provides an implementation of a collection of design patterns that are helpful in writing well structured and maintainable XAML applications, including MVVM, dependency injection, commandin...
Use these extensions to build apps for Uno Platform, UWP, & WinUI using Prism with the DryIoc Container. Prism provides an implementation of a collection of design patterns that are helpful in writing well structured and maintainable XAML applications, including MVVM, dependency injection, commandi...
This library provides a XAML MarkdownTextBlock control, an efficient and extensible control that can parse and render markdown. It is part of the ModernWpf Community Toolkit.
WPF Infrastructure Framework(WIF)is an infrastructure framework that helps you develop WPF applications quickly.
NoesisGUI GBM (Generic Buffer Management) Display
NoesisGUI Fbdev (Linux framebuffer) Display
Provides a quick and easy way to create settings for your wpf app that is easily accessable from both xaml and code behind.
"loose" file XAML Resource for Metro UI's. All icons taken from "Modern UI Icons" created by Austin Andrews
A simple library to display animated GIF images in WPF applications