Top 20 NuGet wrapper Packages
NetOffice Word API, the .NET Wrapper Assemblies for accessing MS Office Word
OpenCV wrapper for .NET Framework
Emailage Fraud Risk Assessment .NET 4.5.1 Wrapper
LibGit2Sharp brings all the might and speed of libgit2, a native Git implementation, to the managed world of .Net and Mono.
A Handy package for warapping EntityFrameWork in UnitOfWork.
.NET Core P/Invoke wrapper for wkhtmltopdf library that uses Webkit engine to convert HTML pages to PDF.
Lightweight .NET Core client wrapper for the Spotify Web API
A C# wrapper for the Power BI REST API which allows you to easily integrate the Power BI API into your C# application. All objects from PowerBI are represented as native C# objects including all properties, functions/methods, etc. The Power BI REST API is very well documented here: https://docs.micr...
WebScale wrapper arround Minor.Nijn framework.
The SDO_dotNET Class Library is a high level wrapper around the ODBC, OLEDB, SQLServer, MySQL and SQLite.
The SQL Data Objects (PDO) extension defines a lightweight, consistent interface for accessing databases in .NET.
Each database driver that implements the PDO interface can expose database-s...
The MySqlDB_dotNET Class Library is a high level wrapper around the MySql.
The library is currently compiled at .Net 4.5.2 so it should work with any application running .Net 4.5.2 and above.
Api.Result is a basic package created to encapsulate, standardize and facilitate the return of results with messages, errors or data for communication between server to server, server to client or between application layers such as ASP.NET Core Web API.
.NET bindings for Little CMS.
.net core MongoDB.Driver wrapper
Internal implementation package for OpenCvSharp to work on Ubuntu 16.04
Fully featured .NET library/wrapper for the Google Photos REST API.
This *unofficial* library enables programmatic access to the media items and albums of a Google Photos account.
The library leverages the authentication in the official Google.Apis.Auth library and builds on that
Library that wraps Connector/NET and MySqlConnector in order to reduce duplicate code when interacting with either connector.
This is a remoting package that implements functionality that wraps around named pipes
HttpClient Wrapper for C# .Net
Internal implementation package for OpenCvSharp to work on Windows with Intel OpenVino.