Top 20 NuGet wpf Packages

A easy way to apply a PhotoFrame to anything in WPF
Explorer like WPF control useable for FTP, MTP, ADB etc. with drag and drop to the Windows Explorer.
.NET Core Global Tool: cross-platform Avalonia-based GUI Snow demo
Supports markdown as parsed by Microsoft.Toolkit.Parsers. Includes support for the following markdown blocks: Headers Lists Code Quotes Horizontal lines Tables And the following markdown inlines: Bold Italic Strikethrough Links Images Subscript Superscript
Provides a WPF/MVVM AutoComplete control
Provides various utility classes; converters, validation helpers, windows search, task helpers
UI Library for Windows Presentaion Foundation apps.
"Inspector module for Gemini, providing a flexible PropertyGrid tool window."
Library to create wpf applications with the MVVM pattern.
This package contains a memory cache manager for your application.
The Algel.WpfTools library is a set of components used by me when developing desktop WPF applications
MvvmLib IoC Container. "It does all the work" * Auto discovery of types and impletation types for interfaces not registered * Allows to register and resolve types, instances, factories * injection parameters and properties * Lifetimes: Transcient, Singleton, InstancePerScope, Instan...
This provides view services for communicating from the ViewModel to the View.
Dragable and tearable tab control for WPF
DMSkin for WPF,无边框窗体解决方案,基于WPF的UI框架 支持:.NET Framework 3.5 - 4.7 支持:Windows XP - Windows 10