Top 20 NuGet wpf Packages

CypherBox is a databinding replacement of PasswordBox
A WPF Accordion control
A small view-model binder that employs data templates.
BindingNavigator WPF
Various implementations of IValueConverter.
Makes developing WPF MVVM apps that target .NET Core 3.1 easier by providing a lot of the base framework. This does not add any additional files or folders to your project.
MVVM solution for efficent command definition and usage in WPF .NET (>=6) projects including a comfortable base view model
A clean and lightweight MVVM framework for WPF, UWP and .NET Standard inspired by MVVM Light Toolkit.
Bundle of useful classes for Wpf application using Mvvm pattern
Set of XAML markup utilities for WPF applications.
A masonry grid layout control for WPF
WPF (.NET Core 3.0+ and .NET 4.7.2+) implementation of the Office Fabric UI design language (
WPF (.NET Core 3.0+ and .NET 4.7.2+) implementation of the Office Fabric UI design language (
Direct Port of First Floors Modern UI from .net Framework to .net core from A set of controls and styles converting your WPF application into a great looking Modern UI app.
Simple WPF month calendar with multi-day events similar to Outlook.
Package Description
Package Description
WPF WebView2 control
Use primeiramente o método (ConfigurarResoluçãoDoMonitor) passando a tela inicial (this) para ler as informações da resolução do monitor, feito isso, use o método (RedimensionarControles) passando o Grid pai para redimensionar
WPF Behavior to transparently add per-monitor DPI support to your app