Top 20 NuGet wpf Packages

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ShanoBinding markup extension for XAML/WPF that provides a DesignTimeValue property
InputBoxLibrary Wpf
A WPF clone of the native Windows/.NET MessageBox with extra features like custom button text.
An Enhanced WPF Custom Control for Zooming and Panning by Clifford Nelson et. al.
Extension library for Squirrel.Windows that provides an ClickOnce style update dialog
A zoom and pan canvas in WPF.
NotifyIcon Wpf Library
WPF related things
Component for creating PowerPoint-like WPF applications
XAML controls that follow strict guidelines to fix common issues.
ViewModel, VersionedViewModel, ViewCommand
Package Description
WebCam control for WPF
This is ToolKit for WPF.
State management for .Net projects, inspired by @ngrx/store