Top 20 NuGet windows Packages

ChipmunkSharp is a lightweight physic engine completely written in C# targeting .NET Standart v2.0
WMF Reader and Writer
Windows interop
You can use UIDeskAutomation.Automation3.0 to create automated tasks for Windows applications (both desktop and browser) based on their user interface. This library uses Microsoft Windows Automation API 3.0 (the unmanaged version of UI Automation API which is located in Windows\System32\UIAutomation...
WinForms utils for VL. Store Skia Renderer size, location and fullscreen state to file. Set useful properties on Form based windows. Use system tray icons and show notifications.
MultiRow for Windows Forms 11.0J(以下、本製品)は自由なレイアウトの表画面を追加できるデータグリッドコンポーネントです。グリッド上のどこにでもセルを配置できる高度な柔軟性を備え、1レコード複数行表示をノンコーディングで簡単に実現できます。入力、選択、表示といったグリッドの基本的な操作に加え、付箋機能や条件付きの計算、ページ指定印刷など伝票入力画面を作成するコンポーネントとしても充実した機能を提供します。 さまざまなアプリケーション開発に本製品をご使用いただければ幸いです。
ContentRoot for services
Configuration reader for services
ContentRoot for services
Configuration reader for services
Contador de ticks (1 segundo) para Xamarin Forms Llama a TickImplementation.Init(); en todas las plataformas Uso: CrossTick.Tick += (tick, args) => { // logica }; CrossTick.Start(); CrossTick.Stop();
Configuration Reader for services
Launch Console and Windows apps packaged as NuGet packages. Keep them auto-updated.
Winook is a .NET library to install thread-level hooks.
Package Description
library for displaying and editing Windows internals
*.NET Windows Service Application helper