Top 20 NuGet windows Packages

Bifröst is a project for developers who want to write .NET Core 2 applications that use IoT devices, and want to target Ubuntu and Windows with the same code.
Handy Network for WinRT. Part of Template 10, a Library of Helpers for UWP.
Handy Secret Service for WinRT. Part of Template 10, a Library of Helpers for UWP.
Invention Windows Library.
Common.Logging adapter for logging to Event Tracing for Windows (ETW) subsystem.
This is framework for Windows Live.
Set the Windows 10 task bar icon to a number or glyph with this package for UWP/UAP projects.
Kraken library for writing Windows services.
A tool for creating identical Windows Machine images from a single source configuration.
An API for accessing Plex Media Servers and the connected clients. This requires a PlexPass subscription to work correctly.
32feet.NET is an open-source project to make Bluetooth networking easily accessible from .NET code across platforms.
Controls classes for Universal Apps
Handy Serialization for WinRT. Part of Template 10, a Library of Helpers for UWP.
THIS PACKAGE CONTAINS CODE FROM Øystein Krog's MASTER BRANCH. DO TEST YOUR APP VERY THOROUGHLY PLEASE. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED. This fork integrates ericsink's SQLitePCL.bundle_green library to be compatible with Android N. (ONLY works with Android and iOS) SQLite.Net PCL is an open sourc...
A simple library for Universal Windows Applications (UWP/UAP) providing easy access to information about pressed modifier keys in KeyUp/KeyDown routines, including the ctrl/control, alt, shift, and Windows keys. An extension method in NeoSmart.Uwp.ModifierKeys extends KeyRoutedEventArgs with a Modif...
Helper to ease integrating a Wndows Forms Application with Application Insights. This can really help to track your users experience providing real data on when an how your application is used and also to get direct information about exceptions.