Top 20 NuGet winrt Packages

Sample implementation for Repeater for Xamarin Forms.
Winrt Uwp (winrt-uwp) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
Show, close material dialogs & messages box, dialog identifier.
MvvmBinder supports Xamarin.iOS, Xamarin.Android, Xamarin.Mac, Xamarin.Forms, Universal Windows Platform (UWP) and Windows Presentation Framework (WPF).
An ultra lightweight Inversion of Control container for the .Net framework. See LightInject.Source for the source distribution.
Handy Xaml behaviors for UWP. Part of Template 10, a Library of Helpers for UWP.
Monetize your Windows 10 app or game with banner and interstitial ads with top revenue and 100% fill rate. AdsJumbo advetising SDK supports UWP, Unity3D and HTML5 apps. Increase your revenue opportunities by putting ads in your Universal Windows Platform (UWP) app or game for Windows 10 by using the...
The MVVM Light Toolkit is a set of components helping people to get started in the Model-View-ViewModel pattern in Silverlight, WPF, Windows Phone, Windows 10 UWP, Xamarin.Android, Xamarin.iOS, Xamarin.Forms. It is a light and pragmatic framework that allows you to pick which components you want to ...
The goal of AtomicMVVM is to allow developers to work with MVVM in their XAML based solutions (XPF, WinRT) with minimal effort while not getting in the way of the code. It requires .NET 4.5 or higher. The design goals of AtomicMVVM are (in order): simple over feature rich, unobtrusive over less code...
A simple IoC Container for .NET, SL, WP7, WP8, WinRT, Mono and Unity3d.
A standalone version of Caliburn.Micro's INPC implementation, BindableCollection, Execute.OnUIThread and InDesignMode checking designed for all Xaml platforms.
A helper library of BindingConverters, MarkupExtensions, and other utilities for building XAML applications for WPF 4 & 4.5, Silverlight 4 & 5, Windows Phone 7.5 & 8, and Windows 8.x.
The goal of AtomicStorage is to allow developers to easily cache and restore data during the process lifecycle (suspend/resume) in Windows Phone and Windows 8 (Metro) applications. It is designed to work with good MVVM frameworks.
AdDuplex (cross-promotion network for Windows Phone and Windows 8 apps) SDK for Windows 8 XAML apps
Wensus provides Windows App analytics for the developers.
A Simple Sound FX engine for Windows 8 XAML C# apps that does some basic caching of MediaElement for performance and memory optimization.
WinRT library for structured data sharing using data formats
XamlIntegRT helps to prevent unauthorized modifications of XAML files for Windows 8 apps
Provides an easy way to create tile, badge and toast notifications.