Top 20 NuGet winforms Packages

An update to Component factory's krypton toolkit to support .NET Framework 4.6.2 - 4.8, .NET Core 3.1 and .NET 5/6. This is the core toolkit module. This package supports all .NET Framework versions starting .NET Framework 4.6.2 - 4.8, .NET Core 3.1 and .NET 5/6. Also, all libraries are i...
A update to Component factory's krypton toolkit to support .NET Core and the latest .NET 4.x framework. This is the core module. This package supports all .NET Framework versions starting .NET 3.5 and .NET Core 3.1. Also, all libraries are included targeting each specific fra...
Package Description
A update to Component factory's krypton toolkit to support .NET Core and the latest .NET 4.x framework. This is the core module. This package supports only .NET Framework >= 4.5 and .NET Core 3.1. If you require .NET 4.0 support or want to use library fully build against your...
Collection of useful C#, WPF, and WinForms functions.
Easy capture video from your webcam in .NET
Theming WinForms (C# or VB.Net) to Google's Material Design Principles.
InputBoxLibrary WinForms
A ListView like control for displaying image files with asynchronously loaded thumbnails.
This package contains the WinForms assemblies. Mugen MVVM Toolkit makes it easier to develop cross-platform application using the Model-View-ViewModel design pattern. The Mugen MVVM Toolkit makes extensive use of Net Standard Library to provide maintainable cross platform C# native applica...
Extension for Autofac providing integration with Mugen MVVM Toolkit.
Multipurpose (UI Controls / Image generation), 100% managed (C#), High performance HTML Rendering library for Mono. HTML UI in .NET Mono applications using controls or static rendering. Features and Benefits: --- * Controls: HtmlPanel, HtmlLabel, HtmlToolTip. * Create...
This package adds Android Support Library v7 RecyclerView support for MugenMvvmToolkit.
This package adds Android Design Support Library support for MugenMvvmToolkit. WinForms/UserControls of ModernUI/MetroUI style DevLib is a highly reusable collection of components and core functionalities addressing common crosscutting concerns. It provides a comprehensive set of features that save development time, minimize costs, reduce the us...
Modern OpenGL bindings for C#, System.Windows.Forms utilities. It includes an UserControl implementation that ease the OpenGL context creation using WinForms UI designers. It supports Windows and GNU/Linux.
Enables cross platform winforms applications to use GTK 3 file dialogs when running on Linux
Microsoft Report Viewer Control for .Net Windows Forms applications. Contains the assemblies required to use the Windows Forms Report Viewer Control.