Top 20 NuGet web Packages

DEPRECATED -- redirects to FubuMVC.Core. Please use the FubuMVC.Core, FubuMVC.StructureMap/FubuMVC.AutoFac packages instead
Automatically build JavaScript and CSS modules based on the dependencies between files. CoffeeScript is also supported.
This package extends System.Web.
This library extends System.Web and WebForms.
Extension for Ninject providing integration with ASP.NET MVC1
Extension for Ninject providing integration with ASP.NET MVC2
ServiceStack client binaries for Silverlight. Provides generic JSON, XML and JSV Service Clients allowing you to call ServiceStack web services from a Silverlight client. This is now a stub that points to ServiceStack.Common NuGet package which now contains the Silverlight client builds.
The SixPack rapid development library is a collection of classes for rapid development on the .NET/Mono platform. It has been built with medium to large scale sites in mind, and supports high performance requirements (thousands of concurrent users per server.)
Tinyweb is a lightweight web framework for ASP.NET that embraces HTTP and aims to be ridiculously simple. Tinyweb moves away from the MVC pattern for developing web applications. Instead, you start with separate addressable resources that respond directly to the HTTP method that was used to access t...
Allows you to develop against the Tropo Web API using C#.
Allows you to develop against the Tropo Web API using C#.
Wraps the entire RESTful API
Sample implementation of i18n package
Sample implementation of i18n package
Part of a package to making i18n easy for ASP.NET devs
Provides low-level, dynamic functions for operating with the FreshBooks API.
Mugen Injection extension to add Ioc for Web application.
Add-on for Knoema.Localization framework to make it extremely easy to localize JavaScript and HTML templates
Entity Framework provider for Knoema.Localization
A very light, low foot-print RPC vclient. (Currently supporting json-rpc)