Top 20 NuGet web Packages

An object model for the WFS 1.1 standard providing strongly typed classes that can be serialized/deserializsed to XML.
Core utility classes to accelerate to build web api
The assembly add Web API to Episerver website that allows to run localization flow
Helper is to assist with the extension method for providing common functionality such as conversion and text operation.
Package Description
Class library that extends Universal.Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.Web.
The 51Degrees Pipeline API provides a fast, modern architecture for consuming real-time digital data services. This package contains components that integrate the 51Degrees Pipeline API into ASP.NET and ASP.NET Core web projects.
F# Nitrogen Web Framework
Single stream representing multiple streams
Delay.Web.Helpers is an ASP.NET web helper assembly that includes support for Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) blob/bucket access and data URIs. (Note: This assembly can be used with other .NET project types as well.)
Munq IOC Container - A very fast Dependency Injection container for Web Applications. 3.1.6 - fixed bad web.config.transform file in package 3.1.5 - corrects the bad implementation for disposing of Request Lifetime instances. 3.1.4 - Disposes of RequestLifeTime instance when HttpRequest ends. ...
Mockable HTTP Helper for.NET2.0+/SL4+/WP7/WinRT (supports Task Parallel Library/async/await)
WebDriver for Google Chrome
Functional API to process HTTP requests with ASP.NET MVC-like routing inspired by express.js
An AntiXss attribute for Web API request models. It essentially runs the Microsoft AntiXss library against the input and fails validation if the result is different to the original value. There are ways to fine tune and relax where appropriate.
WebAPI Foolproof Validation aims to extend the Data Annotation validation provided in ASP.NET WebAPI. Includes such annotations as [GreaterThan], [RequredIfTrue], [RequiredIfRegExMatch] and more. It also provides simply method for creating custom contingent validators. Fork of http://foolproof.codep...
A library that simplifies generating complex HTML files from C# code.
Abstract Controller for Web Api Application