Top 20 NuGet web Packages

WebSharper Extensions for YUI
FSharp Web Crawler
OBSOLETE PACKAGE. Please install Saltarelle.Node instead
Provides OutputCache to WebApi projects in Asp Net
A shared library with web security tiny membership providers and base functionality for building ASP.NET custom membership providers. Currently it holds only XML membership providers - a migration of ASP.NET XMLProviders for .NET 4
This is a navigation management system that comes set up for attribute based navigation. Navigation sets are grouped by developer-defined contexts and can be added to or retrieved almost anywhere using the MvcNav extensions. Includes a basic navigation partial view and a readme to get you started. P...
A lightweight HttpListener based web server library for embedding in other applications.
Web framework for embedded ASP.NET modules/handlers
An Ajax framework for ASP.Net 4.0 web form applications.
DataTable : OrderRecursive, GetSubHierarchy, GetParentPath <br />Control : FindControls, FindRecursive <br />IO : ClearFolder, GetFolderHierarchy <br />String : StripTags, Encrypt, Decrypt <br />Email : Send, ValidateAddress <br />Http : HttpPost, RequestResponse <br />DropDownList : IndentRecursive
JUnit Web Helper
A build task to create a wrapper for the Profile in Web Application Projects.
This adds a script that will create a zipped version of a specific web configuration from a PackageWeb archive. This is useful to build a single package that can be deployed to multiple environments. **Running the script requires PowerShell Community Extensions** All of this is based on the excelle...
A library that I use to provide dependency resolution for MVC4 sites. Uses StructureMap.
Add X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff to HTTP header.
Way to manage parameters after hash(#) and access query string in single page web applications.
This is an implementation of the web authentication interfaces in my Commons Library ( that is based on DotNetOpenAuth (OpenId). Currently, the implementation is limited to Google. For more detailed information and documentation, please visit the GitHub ...
NemerleWeb framework