Top 20 NuGet wpf Packages

[codingfreaks] WPF utility library
Atlas.UI is a dark and elegant UI toolkit inspired by Visual Studio design.
Integration of Caliburn.Micro with Telerik's controls: conventions, IWindowManager implementation (TelerikWindowManager), extensions methods to IWindowManager: Alert, Confirm, Prompt. Target frameworks: Silverlight 5.0, WPF 4. Source code with sample projects available at http://github....
Extensions for the Caliburn.Micro Framework
Create IObservable objects directly from lambda expressions using CodeBinding
WPF Converters provides a number of generic binding converters for use in WPF and Silverlight applications. Online at
A contrib project for MVVM Light, adding support for coroutines and a screen conductor.
Validation extensions for MEF and MVVM.
The complete nRoute package for WPF, Silverlight 4, and Windows Phone 7.X.
The a subset of the nRoute Framework for WPF, Silverlight 4, and Windows Phone 7.X.
Usage sample for the Response.MVVM package.
Makes your life easier to develop multiplatform applications
Sets your project up with Guidance and the structure that will have you using UITesting Contrib quickly and easily
An MVVM+Controller implementation for WPF & WP7, giving all the goodness of MVVM while introducing a controller to make it easier to write better apps easier. Supporting type safe navigation, MVVM, wp7 lifecycle/tombstoning and much more!
Helps you get started with Phoenix with a new project. This package will create a default controller, shell, and a view to save you from doing it!
The Polaris User Interface package contains elements that simplify the development of attractive and fluid user interfaces. Actions, Animation extensions, Controls, Converters among other user interface functionality is contained in this package.
FLib.UI is extension to FLib with UI-specific features such as validators, converters, extensions to standard controls(eg. filtering input) and a couple of pure XAML extensions. By UI we mean WPF and Metro appications.
Conventions and classes for using DevExpress WPF controls with Caliburn.Micro