Top 20 NuGet wpf Packages

Simple and fast package for MVVM basics. ViewModelBase, OnPropertyChanger, RelayCommand, AsyncCommand, RangeObservableCollection, etc
Proposes a list of commonly used converters for WPF.
.NET library providing functionality for WPF Core applications.
SoftwareDriven.AutoUpdater.NET is a class library that allows .NET developers to easily add auto update functionality to their classic desktop application projects. The project based on AutoUpdater.NET from RBSoft
WPF implementation of the State Management Protocol
WPF implementation of the Dependency Resolution Protocol
Simple, flexible, interactive and powerful data visualization for Wpf. This fork is based on
Ganymede Framework es una herramienta de generación dinámica de UI para proyectos basados en metodologías de trabajo MVVM.
Ganymede Framework es una herramienta de generación dinámica de UI para proyectos basados en metodologías de trabajo MVVM.
Custom window control based on MahApps.Controls.Window that respects taskbar in autohide mode.
MVPVM Framework Core Library
MVPVM Framework Application Module Project
SharkEx Physics Engine for WPF Apps
PDFsharp - A .NET library for processing PDF
Visual Studio Interactive Window (Text Editor)
A port of the SL.Phone.Federation library from the Windows Azure Toolkit for Windows Phone 7, improved with better databinding support. Includes working versions for WPF 4 only. Silverlight 4, WP7 and WP7.1 support coming in next version. <br /><br /> Changes since 0.9: - Refactoring of the control ...