Top 20 NuGet wp7 Packages

Telerik Analytics enables easy application analytics in your .NET application.
A collection of universally useful XAML value converters, behaviors, and styles.
Korean EUC-KR encoding for Windows Phone 7.
The MemoryDiagnosticsHelper made by Peter Torr!
API for sending push messages to Windows Phone devices using MPNS.
MicroIoc is an ultra lightweight IOC container specifically targeted at the Windows Phone 7. It provides a clean API for registration and resolution of project dependencies.
PhoneCore Framework is a framework which helps you to build applications on Windows Phone 7. It provides: navigation engine, DI container, aspect-oriented programming support, reach configuration subsystem, tracing engine, custom plugin manager, primitive types, MVVM Fwk features.
PhonePerformance is a Windows Phone 7 assembly with classes to enable better performance for ListBox scrolling and Image display by delay-loading content and pushing as much work off the UI thread as possible.
This is a Prism Interactivity library ported for Windows Phone 7.1 RC.
This is a Prism library ported for Windows Phone 7.1 RC.
This package adds support for Ninject to the Prism library for Windows Phone 7.1 RC.
A flexible library aiming to help Windows Phone developers to have neat and native looking tiles for their apps and/or in their apps. Details at
VisualState Changer Behavior and DataContext method caller action for WPF, Silverlight 4 and Windows Phone 7.
Library that allows you to fluently call restful services from WP7.
Silverlight unit testing framework for Windows Phone 7
A binary, reflection based serializer for Silverlight, WP7 and .NET, written in C#. This NuGet package is an unofficial fork containing SL, WP7 & .NET libraries.
A Windows Phone 7 Control Library providing in-app advertising support for multiple ad-networks.
When you install the Windows Phone SDK this file can be found in C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows Phone\v7.1\Libraries\Silverlight however that doesn't make it very friendly when people open it without the SDK or you want everything in one place so this simple Nuget package solves that.
a collection of utility classes which save you time and help you write testable wp7 applications