Top 20 NuGet winrt Packages

ObjectStorageHelper<T> is a Generic class that simplifies storage of data in WinRT applications while still maintaining the Async principles of Windows 8 apps
Translate text and html easily with this Apertium library, which provide you a easy use translator machine
This is a Radial ColorPicker for Windows 8 Store Apps
GoogleAnalytics.App is an unofficial SDK for interacting with Google Analytics. It is compatible with version 2 of the Google Analytics SDK for iOS and Android and uses Google Measurement Protocol to report app- and mobile-specific metrics.
A package with helpers for performing tasks as known in Windows Phone like placing reviews in the store, composing emails
TFS WinRT Library
Jason is an infrastructure framework to easly handle the "Command" part of CQRS on top of server technologies such as WCF and WebAPI
Light weigth depency injection framework for the .NET portable class libraries.
Part of the Coding4Fun Toolkit with only the Storage library. It provides an easy to use wrapper open and save data via serialization.
A set of types that extend and enhance the databinding functionality in WPF/Silverlight/WinRT. There is currently only one type: ObservableFilter - A configurable filtered ObservableCollection intended to act as a replacement for filtering that was present in WPF but isn't in WinRT. (For when you d...
Simple class helper for building URI string to launch "Maps" application from your own Windows 8 app. You don't need to have Map SDK, just use this simple class to set center view, zoom level or map view, find routes using address or coordinates or just simply query for POI's arround you.
Collection of useful utilities and components for WinRT applications
EasyMoq is a small and free mocking framework for any kind of project. It is built as a portable class library and uses T4-templating to generate mocks. This makes it a perfect choice for mocking on WP- or WinRT-platform, since there is a lack of dynamic proxy creation.
With the recent release of Windows 8 many developers have eagerly set out to create jQuery-enhanced Windows 8 Store applications. appendTo is pleased to release a custom copy of jQuery that will play nicely in developing Windows 8 Store applications.
A simple Date Picker for use in WinRT XAML apps
The WP-Fx.UI project contains some UI/MVVM related features that are missing in the current versions of the WP7/8 and WinRT frameworks. Currently this package only contains a RelayCommand and CommandManager implementation for all platforms.
A Metro Character Progress Control The Progress Control could be used in following platforms: Windows 8 (WinRT) Windows Phone 8 (WP8) Silverlight 5 (SL5) WPF (WPF4.5)
Calendar control for Windows 10 WinRT/XAML, ported from the Silverlight Toolkit.
DonationButton and a few public methods
Windows 8.1 components: RandomColorGenerator, LineCounter, SilentTextBox, TextBlox