Top 20 NuGet windows Packages

CodePorting.Native Cs2Cpp is a framework to automatically port code from C# to C++. Ported code can be compiled using Visual Studio, GCC or Clang and can run on Windows and Linux. This package features an API used to emulate .Net calls from ported code.
Lightweight and fast client and server implementation of the Modbus protocol (TCP/RTU, Sync/Async).
CrossPlatformLibrary is an extensible cross-platform toolkit which provides a basic set of functionality used in most mobile apps such as bootstrapping, exception handling, tracing and UI dispatching.
The MVVM Light Toolkit is a set of components helping people to get started in the Model-View-ViewModel pattern in WPF, UWP, Xamarin.Android, Xamarin.iOS, and Xamarin.Forms. It is a light and pragmatic framework that allows you to pick which components you want to use. This version contains only the...
IPBan is the leading solution to block hackers and botnets. Easily monitor events for all kinds of sources and put the bad ip addresses in the firewall automatically.
ComponentOne TreeView for WinForms manages hierarchical data through nodes that can be selected, edited, and used to display simple text, images, and other .NET elements such as check boxes.
Sparkline for WinForms is a lightweight data visualization control for depicting trends and variation.
Ribbon for WinForms provides a modern toolbar and menu system similar to Office 365 applications. Ribbon supports galleries, toolbars, backstage view, simplified view, and themes.
Maps for WinForms displays geographical data on a map. You can view images with smooth zooming, panning, and mapping between screen and geographical coordinates.
FlexChart for WinForms is a powerful chart control with support for 80+ chart types, flexible data binding, GDI+ and DirectX rendering.
FlexChart for WinForms is a powerful chart control with support for 80+ chart types, flexible data binding, GDI+ and DirectX rendering.
Expression Editor for WinForms enables creating and editing expressions at run-time, which can then be used to perform calculations and shape data.
DashboardLayout for WinForms is a layout control that allows you to create dynamic dashboards for interactive data visualization.
ComponentOne CalendarView for WinForms goes beyond navigation and selection of dates. The calendar control supports design time editors, multi-month view, contiguous and non-contiguous selection, and more.
Windows 7 Control Pack for WinForms provides features introduced in Windows 7 for your desktop applications like taskbar jump lists and thumbnails.
ComponentOne True DBGrid for WinForms is a datagrid that offers features like Excel-like split views and built-in hierarchical binding and grouping.
ComponentOne TileControl for WinForms makes it easy to replicate the Windows 10 start menu tile UI experience in your desktop apps.
SplitContainer for WinForms is a container control for resizable docked panels that allows you to dock multiple panels to either side of the container control.
SpellChecker for WinForms provides multi-language spell checking for .NET. It supports as-you-type and dialogue-based (batch) spell checking.
Sizer for WinForms helps you create resolution-independent applications without having to write any code.